mars 31, 2017


Daniel Svae Andersen #88

Daniel Svae Andersen is a 21 years old Aquabike rider from Bergen, Norway. He is a part of the Norwegian National Team and Kev-Racing jetski team run by multi world champion Kevin Reiterer.

In 2016 he completed his first season in the UIM Aquabike World Championship Ski GP1. This is the formula 1 class of the sport and the best riders in the world are gathered here. His results were so good that he automatically qualified for a new contract for the 2017 season.

Daniel is a contracted rider in the Championship. This means that UIM will cover for all his expenses for participating in the World Championship.

In 2017 Daniel participated in the following races: UIM World Championship, UIM European Championship, Nordic Championship and the Norwegian Championship and Kings Cup in Thailand.

Daniel is working hard every day to be a better rider.

His goal is one day to win the UIM Aquabike World Championship Ski GP1.

Motor Racing League plugin by Ian Haycox